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Liechtenstein company registry: Liechtenstein Limited Liability Company (LLC) Benefits

Updated time: 09 Jan, 2019, 17:21 (UTC+08:00)

A Liechtenstein Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be formed by at least two natural persons and/or legal entities. The legislation governing LLC’s is called the “Law on Persons and Companies of 1926”, known as the “PGR Code”. Foreigners can own all of the shares in a LLC.

Liechtenstein company registry - Liechtenstein LLC

  • 100% Foreign Ownership: Foreigners can own all of the shares in a LLC.
  • Limited Liability: Shareholders are protected from LLC creditors and lawsuits as their only liability is their shares contributions.
  • Privacy: Shareholders names are not included in any public records and Bearer Shares can be issued for further privacy.
  • Perpetual Life: The LLC can be in existence perpetually.
  • Two Shareholders: The minimum number of shareholders is two to form a LLC which is favored by small companies seeking limited liability.
  • One Director: The LLC can be managed by only one director or more if the shareholders so choose.

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